Amiga Plus Special 23
AMIGAplus Sonderheft 23 (2000)(Falke)(DE)[!].iso
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== xvs.library - The eXternal Virus Support Library ==
== Copyright © 1997-99 by Georg Hörmann ==
1. Legal Stuff
The entire XVS software package is written and copyright © 1997-99 by Georg
Hörmann. Additional changes and updates during December 1999 and onwards are
copyright © 1999 Alex van Niel.
No parts of this package may be altered by any means (this includes editing,
reprogramming, crunching, resourceing etc.), except archiving.
The author is in no way liable for any changes made to any part of the
package, or consequences thereof as he is in no way liable for damages or
loss of data directly or indirectly caused by this software.
Neither fees may be charged nor profits may be made by distributing this
piece of software. Only a nominal fee for costs of magnetic media may be
accepted, the amount of DM 4/US $3 shouldn't be exceeded for a disk
containing XVS. Non-commercial CD manufacturers are allowed to put the
package on their compilations, too. Outside a single machine environment,
you are not allowed to reproduce single parts of the package, but you have
to copy it completely.
Alex van Niel has the permission from Georg Hörmann to update the XVS
package and make any adjustments Alex van Niel thinks are necessary.
Georg Hörmann can NOT be held responsible for any changes Alex van Niel
2. Installation
The xvs.library contains all the virus recognition and removal code that was
formerly included in VirusZ. This step has been taken for one major reason:
VirusZ can be updated fast without releasing the whole package every week by
releasing a new library version.
So simply install the library in this archive to your LIBS: drawer to get
100% protection against the latest viruses.
The following chapters contain information mostly for programmers who want
to write their own viruskillers, so you can skip this if you are not
3. Why Another Library?
As most of you may have noticed, I don't have much time at the moment to add
all the features you desire to my viruskiller VirusZ II/III. On the other
hand, there are a lot of talented coders out there who might have the time
to write a really good viruskiller environment, but don't have all the
viruses to add them or are not willing to torture themselves with analysing
all those little bastards.
That's the point where xvs.library comes in. With this library I want to
give you a powerful tool to detect and eliminate all sorts of viruses. All
you have to do (and that's still enough, believe me ;-) is to submit the
files, sectors or bootblocks you want to have tested to xvs.library.
In other words: You design a GUI with all the features that are required
nowadays (ARexx, Locale, etc.) and I support you with my antivirus knowledge
of the last 7 years!!
Certainly VirusZ will be developped further-on in the near future, but it's
always good to have some new rivals that give you new inspiration ;-)
Note from Alex van Niel:
Offcourse, developement for VirusCheckerII will also continue. With
VirusCheckerNG, the xvs.library will replace the brain file. Offcourse,
all bug reports and new viruses should now be sent to me instead of to
4. Features
Currently xvs.library offers you the following functions:
a. Detect bootblock viruses and install clean bootblocks instead.
b. Detect manipulated disk sectors and repair them if possible.
c. Detect infected files and repair them if possible.
d. Scan all memory regions for active viruses and remove them if any.
This should be all you need to put up a complete viruskiller. About further
functions you have to think yourself.
5. Hopes And Fears
I thought quite a long time about the release of XVS to the public as it
might be some kind of 'sudden death' to my own project VirusZ. All the
antivirus knowledge of VirusZ has been exported to this library. Anyone
with just enough programming skills can easily beat the features of my own
antivirus program by using XVS. But on the other hand, antivirus work is
always some kind of service to the public and shouldn't be overridden by
selfish thoughts. And as I won't be able to keep up that service in the
far future, I will at least give my support to the ones who follow me.
6. Author
For bug reports, ideas etc. you can reach me at the following addresses:
Snail-mail: Alex van Niel
Billie Holidaystraat 116
2551 WK Den Haag
e-mail: pinkie@dds.nl